Tuesday, 30 August 2016

100 days of LDF Government

The LDF Government in Kerala is completing 100 days in power.

The left came to power after 5 years of misrule by the Congress led UDF.People has high expectations from this Government.

It seems that when you get power it is very heady and intoxicating .The leaders and ministers including CM have started shooting off their mouths as soon as they assumed power.

There were debates and protests over statements by ministers and party leaders on issues like  Sabarimala,reopening of Bars, killing of politicalopponents,celebrating Krishna Jayanthi,celebrationg Onam ,lighting of lamp on functions ,statements war between CPI and CPM , etc .

We can attribute this to what we call starting trouble or letting off steam after getting the power or trying to establish their political credentials .I would like tell all these leader and ministers, including the CM, that by now people, party cadre and your vote bank are clearly convinced that you are serious about fighting “majority communalism “and protection of “minorities “.

It is high time that you look into real issues facing the common man now

We have serious issues like price rise ( you had promised no price rise for the next 5 years, looks like it is comparable to Modi’s “jumla” statement on Black money during election campaign  ) ,spreading of deadly diseases like Cholera in many parts of the state, serious issues in waste disposal and processing ,lack of  medical facilities ,pathetic road conditions ,professional college admission  and other student related issues, international terrorist organisations operating and recruiting people for their
Terrorist activities abroad, return of workers from gulf countries ,growing menace of drug usage among youth, lacks of sufficient rainfall which will affect supply of drinking and irrigation water ,preserving water resources, challenges facing the tourism sector  and many other issues which needs urgent attention .

The Government is also responsible for bringing in industries, infrastructure projects, new ideas for boost the farming and related sectors, completing on going projects on time which will help bring in investment which in turn will generate jobs and income for the people of Kerala .It is very important because job opportunities for Keralites in other places especially in the Gulf countries is shrinking or becoming non existent.

The Government should also find ways to increase revenue and tax collection which it needs very badly to implement various welfare projects it has planned or announced as it inherited a empty treasury as it claims .


So it is high time to stop these kinds credential showing statements by all and start working to find the resources which will help find solutions for various problems and implement various welfare projects .It will help boost the image of the Government .For that a truly disciplined and dedicated approach is required .Just issuing high moral statements are not enough .

Hope good sense will prevail and the Government will rise above the narrow party ideology and work towards the interest of all sections of the people and the state in mind.

A good performance of this Government is very crucial for the Left movement in the
Country, because Bengal doesn’t offer any hope in the near future after the suicidal
electoral pact with Congress and Tripura is too small to be significant.

Already in many states the political space that should have been occupied by the Left is taken over by others .It is not a good sign .So a good Government will be a fillip for the Left to resurrect their movement all over the country

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